We Can Bridge the Gap to Skilled, Qualified Talent.

Individuals with blindness or visual impairment bring unique perspectives and problem-solving skills to the workplace, which can enhance creativity and innovation.

Two visually impaired colleagues in an office with a support animal
FDOE (Florida Department of Education)- Logo Badge

In partnership with businesses like yours, we can create a barrier-free environment in the lives of Floridians with visual disabilities.

A Talent Pool Ready, Willing and Able to Work 

  • Individuals with blindness and visual impairments don’t just want a job – but a meaningful career across in-demand industries in our state.
  • Employees with visual impairments can be as productive as their sighted counterparts, often using assistive technologies or alternative methods to perform tasks.
  • They also provide a broader range of perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches, fostering a more creative and dynamic work environment.
  • Providing reasonable accommodations can help maximize their productivity and contribute to the overall efficiency of the team. 

Customized Resources and Services for Florida Businesses

The Florida Division of Blind Services stands ready to help your business:

Find, hire, and train employees with visual disabilities.

Implement workplace accommodations and adaptive technology for employees who are blind or visually impaired.

Take advantage of tax incentives for hiring people with disabilities.

Learn about responsibilities regarding the employment of persons with disabilities as outlined by the federal government.

Retain current employees experiencing vision loss.

Connect and share best practices with other employers.

Advance Your Hiring Process by Welcoming Blind and Visually Impaired Floridians

Tell us about yourself to connect with a regional representative of the Division of Blind Services’ Business Unit.

Business Page Form